After last year's maiden Double Cross, I figured it might be nice to use a route this time around that was a little less rough, and spent a bit more time on trails. After doing numerous rides over the summer on my all road bike, with both slicks and knobbies, I arrived on a route that seemed about right, stemming from Pine road to Wakefield, around Lac Phillipe, and back again. I hoped flats would number fewer than before with less rock on the route and fewer leaves down. As it turned out, I wouldn't say that goal was realized.
However, it was a great ride. About 30 riders assembled at the Gamelin gate to the the Gatineau Park, where I distributed mini cues sheets to riders and collected donations for Bicycles for Humanity. The majority forgot to bring cash to pitch in, but thanks to the generous donations made by the few, I took in $60 for the cause. Sure, that's not a princely sum, but every bit helps. For those who didn't have opportunity on Monday, you can donate here. Same applies for those who didn't have opportunity at the Fixed Gear Frolic, where we pulled in $30.
As our last confirmed rider rolled into the parking lot, delayed with a flat, our merry but chilly cohort of riders rolled out of the parking lot. All except me that is, as I held back for Mike, who somehow understood we were meeting not departing at 9:30....right. You're on your own next time buddy.
2 degrees above zero proved chilly to stand around, but we rolled before it became a problem. |
Poor resolution, sure, but you get the idea. This is the antithesis to the D2R2 cue sheet. Its nice to have a simple route every once in a while.
Approaching the first section of trail, highway 105 in the background
Pine road becomes the #50 and the dirt begins...but wait...
...the format dictated a neutral start of 20k, from the gate to the trailhead on Pine road. Tyler, in full trooper mode on antibiotics, had a tough time keeping touch with the pack on the road. While Rodd, Pascal and I dropped back to pull him, the rest kept the pace up, and didn't seem to notice we were missing when they arrived at the dirt. I chased ahead to keep them from continuing on; chase two of the day.
Neutral starts require everyone to be together before its 'go time'. I'll make this more clear next time. The group pauses to regroup.

En route to Wakefield, on the 52, while traveling rapidly down a long straight with numerous water bars, I attempted a small manual through one of the bars. As I pulled up my front wheel struck an evil rock that punctured my tube instantly. After stopping to begin the repair, two others pulled up, having flatted on the very same rock. After finishing my repair, I realize my rear was also flat. And not only that, both rims were severely dented, and both tires cut! Wow, what carnage! Funny thing is, I double flatted on the same rock a couple months ago! Not to self... Later on I stopped along Lac Phillipe to add a boot to my rear tire to keep the tube from exploding. 
The guys didn't wait for me at Pipolinka, so I chased, and ate my food on the road in.

The group pauses along the lake.

Nice action shot of Rodd Following Andrew, I note the rut...someone will fall... Yep, Ariel's knee is still swollen; bummer.

Continuing on...

...and on...

Bit of a photo void from Phillipe to this point at O'Brien. Steve found a set of Richard Sachs glasses along the way; classic! |
I'd say the ride was a success. Despite numerous flats and a few crashes, I think everyone involved had a good time. I formed a list of all the riders in attendance, but I think I'll forego putting it up here; you know who you are. I will, however, keep the list and input the data into my supercomputer for analysis. No teams came up with manes or names for themselves, so I don't have anything cool to share. However, honourable mention goes to Anthony Bereznai of Big Ring Racing fame, for riding the whole route on his non-all road Cervelo! I don't think Adthony flatted, testament to his smooth riding style. Nicely done! Tanya started a survey of carnage, to which you may wish to add. This data will also be uploaded into my supercomputer for analysis.
- Three crashes: Rouleur Dave, Tall Tree Ariel, and Cyclery Nick
- Martin flatted 3 times
- Tanya flatted twice, had her chain work it's way out of her rear derailleur, and something happened to her front derailleur so it don't work in the big ring no more
- Matt trashed two Open Pro rims, two tires and two tubes
Despite all that, Pipolinka was a treat, as usual, as was the company pleasant and fun loving. Many of the riders opted to take the #36 to O'Brien for a bit of extended play on dirt. Though there were many unpredictable leafers out, this section was a very much enjoyed by all. Due to the timing of the ride, with family obligations for many, its not practicable to regroup at the end for drinks or a BBQ. That's the nature of the beast for this ride; better to do it anyhow. Thanks to all who came out to enjoy a great day on the bike, we hope to see you back!
Double Cross wraps up Tall Tree's 2010 events, but there is a lot more riding, or rather, racing to come. If folks are inclined to ride the Almonte Roubaix after the race on Sunday, bring what you need and gather up apres. I will be in Toronto, so I won't be leading the ride, but I encourage you to give it a go. Perhaps indicating interest in the comments would help pull something together.
See y'all next weekend! |
I actually stayed mechanical free. I think you gave me Steve's mechanicals. Sorry to hear about all your chasing, I would have gladly waited if I knew.
See you in TO this weekend. Will be at the UCI on Saturday.
Next year?
there is an old rail line that starts some place around Mer Bleu and is suppose to out to Montreal somehow.
Any info on this?
anyhow, would be cool to have a race on it.
First one to montreal wins the pot.
eat, sleep and party in montreal for the night... then everyone finds there own way back - ride back or via rail for approx 35 bucks (?)
-- a long route...
-- a shorter route?
The photo void between Lac Philippe and O'Brien was due to my effort to stay at the front the whole time. It was just to darn fun and exciting to stop and clic. Though I did snap Rodd, Nathan and our bikes in the leaves while waiting at the 36 junction.
One flat for me and two (maybe three?) for Shawn. Six of us took the road back from Wakefield, as we were down to three tubes between us. Turns out we used all of them before Chelsea, and still left one man calling for a ride. My vote--rename the ride to "Double Flat" :) Still, a great time! Thanks for organizing!
Awesome event, weather, people, ride, day...good times !
(C'mon Matt you loved the time trial from Gamelin to Notch - A full 2 minutes ahead of the group after a 1 minute delayed start - not bad)
Thanks so much for choosing Bicycles for Humanity to direct your fundraising efforts!
We are greatly appreciative!
Co-Founder, B4H Ottawa
Of course Seb, we're happy to help. Count on us to continue supporting B4H.
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